About ProVEG

ProVeg China is an office of ProVeg International, a food awareness organisation working to transform the global food system by replacing 50% of animal products globally with plant-based and cultivated foods by 2040.
ProVeg engages with all relevant stakeholders to create a food system where everyone chooses delicious and healthy food that is good for all humans, animals and our planet.

About ProVEG

ProVeg has received the United Nations’ Momentum for Change Award and works closely with key UN food and environment agencies. We have observer status with the UNFCCC and the IPCC, special consultative status with ECOSOC, and are accredited for UNEA.

ProVeg creates global impact, with offices in 11 countries across four continents and more than 200 employees.

Innovation topics – 2022 APAC Challenge


Develop a unique selling proposition for Oatly’s yoghurt, identify target consumers, develop product concepts and a launch plan in Asia or your selected market.


Develop a recipe utilising Beyond Meat’s minced pork that can be presented to a foodservice chain based in Asia. Specify which foodservice operator you are pitching to and formulate a marketing strategy to support sales of your recipe.


Develop a local dish for CPF all over the Asia-Pacific region using a plant-based meat alternative, such as plant-based beef, pork, chicken or seafood, to achieve both the taste and texture of real meat.


Choose one of The Vegetarian Butcher’s product prototype from plant-based beef patty, plant-based mince beef and plant-based chicken balls and propose a new product application for target consumers. The application should include product format and series of varieties, product names, product claims, and advertising slogan and the package design.


Use Haofood plant-based chicken to develop a series of applications, identify target food-service customers, and develop a launch plan.


Further develop OMNI’s new plant-based range, OmniSeafood, including OMNI Tuna, OMNI Classic Fillet, Omni Golden Fillet, and Omni Ocean Burger. What’s the key selling point and which seafood dishes can better attract a new generation by making it easy to buy and share on social media.


Develop a tasty and nutritious product by utilising plant-based ingredients (e.g. plant protein, algae protein). It can be a beverage, snack, or nutrition product. The proposal should cover the detailed product format, product name, claims, price and proposition, target consumer group and consumption occasion, added value to consumers and packaging design.

Selection Criteria

Market Potential: 30%

projected revenue, profitability, and growth opportunities, taking challenges and available alternatives into consideration.

Feasibility 30%

 feasibility of product (or campaign) ideas, including formulation, manufacturing, supply chain, and distribution.

Product uniqueness: 20%

clear explanations on how your project is innovative and different from what is currently available in the sector.

Go-to-market strategy: 20%

clear explanations on how you would introduce your products to the market.



1,500 USD



3,000 USD


1,000 USD


Finalists 200 USD 5x

  • ● Finalist teams will have a chance to participate in an invite-only programme hosted by the ProVeg Incubator to help further idea development.
  • ● Selected teams will also have the chance to present their ideas online at the UN Climate Change Conference – COP27 – Food4Climate Pavilion hosted by ProVeg International.
  • ● Participants will be awarded with a ProVeg Food Innovation Challenge certificate.

COP27 Presenting Teams

We are super excited to announce the teams selected to present their innovative ideas at the UN Climate Change Conference COP27 – Food4Climate in Cairo, Egypt on 10 November!

Submissions before the deadline 30 November are all eligible for finalists cash awards and potential internships and opportunities!


30 November: Final Idea Submission

9 December: Finalist Teams Announced

QUALIFying Criteria

Students currently enrolled in undergraduate or graduate programmes at universities and colleges in the Asia-Pacific region.

Teams must have a minimum of two and a maximum of four people.

Teams can include students from different disciplines and different schools.

Students can submit a maximum of two proposals or join a maximum of two teams.

You have great food-innovation ideas (no prototype necessary).



As part of the third ProVeg International Food Innovation Challenge campaign in Asia, we have partnered with industry experts for a webinar series to share their vision, strategies, and expectations on innovation proposals. Scan below to find out more and register in advance!

Invite your peers to join!

Enlist three teams to join the Challenge (including your own teams) and win a free ticket to the New Food Invest 2022.

How to qualify?

Email us at [email protected] with the names and emails of your enlisted team members before 30 November!

Most Creative Promotion Awards

We encourage students to create content about this campaign using hashtag #ProVegFoodInnovationChallenge on their TikTok and/or Instagram to invite more peers to participate.

The two students with the most creative posts before 25 November will each receive a 150-USD gift certificate! There will be one gift certificate for Instagram and one for Tik Tok.

Previous Innovation Challenges

2021 Food Innovation Challenge SEA

In 2021, the ProVeg Food Innovation Challenge attracted student participants from 54 different universities across the South-East Asia region. Participating students could choose between eight different innovation topics, presented by seven major actors from the plant-based industry as well as ProVeg itself.

7 leading companies involved

50+ universities

125 proposals received

410 participants

The Challenge won the ‘Best use of digital by a charity, NGO or NFP’ Award at the Digital Impact Awards

“It has been a pleasure to witness the variety and diversity of student group ideas related to the future of plant-based meat. The creativity and thoughtfulness of the submissions we have received has inspired our whole team.”


Beyond Meat

“The Proveg Innovation campaign gives us an opportunity to learn more about the SEA market. As one of our target groups is Generation Z, the participants of this campaign – university students – can inspire us a lot and raise valuable ideas.”


R&D Head of Asia at Oatly

2020 Food Innovation Challenge China

In June 2020, the Plant-Based Food Innovation Contest in China attracted 260 students from more than 20 universities across China, along with 10 food-and-beverage companies that took part in the contest. Students competed in three different categories: pre-packaged foods, main-course recipes, and animal-free ingredients. Finalists were coached and mentored by industry experts.

10 companies involved

20+ schools participated

78 proposals received

“Thank you for your kind note and happy to see one of the ice-cream challenge participants reaching second place. It was a good experience for us and we look forward to leveraging the learnings in our activities. I would like to thank the whole ProVeg organisation for their professionalism and we look forward to future collaboration.”



“I must say these young talents were working effortlessly with passion and dedication to achieve their goals and hoping that their product ideas would end up in retail stores or food-service channels. I hope the audience or potential investors can help make their dream a reality!“

Lalana Thiranusornkij

Vice President of R&D, Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Company Limited


Join the challenge as a student ambassador

Students who are interested in innovation are encouraged to volunteer as ambassadors to help promote the challenge in your universities.

● A special certificate of leadership and social responsibility will be provided as thanks for your contribution.

● Ambassadors who help enlist four teams (including their own team) will be invited to join the ProVeg Incubator programmes.

If you’d like to apply, please email us a copy of your Student ID and why you’d be great for the role, with the subject line ‘your country+your school’ before 25 November: [email protected]

Sponsors and partnerships

If you are interested in supporting the Challenge, please contact us at [email protected] for further discussion.